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Blog web hosting

You want to post your blog to make a living ouf of it or simply share your passions. You are a business and you have seen its benefits for your business. But you do not know where to start with the many web hosts and their different plans. Follow these steps to help you find the perfect web hosting for your blog.

What is a blog?

A blog is a website made up of a collection of articles published periodically or sporadically, very often arranged in ante-chronological order. It is often the place for individuals to express themselves on subjects that fascinate them, to recount their experiences, to discuss various themes … Blogging is not yet the sole activity of individuals, even companies use it to communicate more personally with their customers or, in a small way, to communicate internally.

It’s no longer a secret, a lot of people make a very good income from their blog. This can be the reason why someone wants to start their blog. However, its contribution to the sustainability of a business should not be overlooked. Well used and mastered, a business blog is a tool. In fact, the website of the company allows to communicate about the company, its products and services in a formal way. While the blog allows you to communicate with more flexibility, in a more personal way and even to collect very useful opinions and comments.

Norms to consider for your blog

In order to choose the right web hosting for your blog, it is important to consider the following points:

  • The platform to use for designing the blog. That is, the blog will be tailor-made or it will be designed from a CMS like WordPress.
  • Estimated traffic. It is therefore taking into consideration the number of visitors expected on the blog. Usually in the beginning of a blog, the number of visitors is not important, although it is not always the case. Therefore, it will also take into account the growth of the blog.
  • The busy periods. In the same vein as the previous point, the blog can have periods of periodic high traffic. For a blog whose related to concerts for example, there will be some significant visits during the concert period.
  • The knowledge in web development. Depending if the design of the site will be the responsibility of the owner or a developer, such a web host will satisfy better than another.
  • The number of current and planned sites. For a blog that has or will have a lot of articles, you will need a hosting that offers a lot of disk space, even for the database.
  • The budget. In the end, the financial standard because you will have to be able to pay for the web hosting plan you choose for your blog.

Choosing the right web hosting for your blog

The study of the points raised above, allows to better understand his web project. The list below will help you choose the right web hosting for your blog, as well as the right web host.

  • Availability. It is important for a blog to be available at all times. When a visitor searches for an article, they should not encounter any stops or they will lose it.
  • Security. Another important criterion. It’s important to find a great web host that takes the security of the sites they host seriously. At the risk of seeing the information of subscribers of a site hacked and thus losing their trust.
  • Scalability. Websites and blogs grow over time receiving more visitors, therefore more traffic. Thus, the first accommodation formula may no longer be suitable, the smooth transition to a new formula is advantageous.
  • The support provided. Whether you are new to development or new to development, at one point or another you will need the support of your web host. At that point, responsive, efficient and accompanying support will prove to be saving, especially in critical situations.
  • Automatic backups. In the life of a website, it can happen that the site is damaged as a result of a cyber attack or after a modification or update. Backups allow you to get back to a “healthy” version of the site in no time.