What is Magento ?
Magento is an e-commerce CMS, that allows you to easily create and manage e-commerce stores online. It is the most widely used open source e-commerce solution in the world. and It is distributed under several licenses, a free open source license and a paid license. The free version installs with ease on well-scaled Magento web hosting.
Similarly to any CMS, the Magento solution is free. This is not to say that a functional store accessible on the Internet is free. Several costs are included in the budget. Including the price of domaine name registration, Magento web hosting, theme, site design if you are new to it, and more.
Who uses Magento?
Magento saw the light in 2008 in order to satisfy the online store needs of medium and large scale businesses. Unsurprisingly, it meets a real success. This does not prevent any structure or individual from opting for Magento. The only prerequisite is to have enough computer knowledge to use all the capabilities of this CMS.
Why choose Magento web hosting ?
Magento is the most used e-commerce CMS because it has conquered its users and made them followers. It has many strengths, the most appreciated of which is its flexibility. Magento offers a very large number of features to extend the basic store. This wide range of features makes it possible to fine-tune customization to meet specific store needs. It is therefore a cutting edge tool, powerful, but complex to use. Novices will find it difficult to navigate.
In addition to this functional richness, Magento is optimized for search engines and natural referencing. Furthermore, it gives the possibility of managing a multilingual site from the same back office.
In conclusion, the assessment of the CMS is justified. Its power and scalability make it an ideal option for stores with a large number of visitors. In this case of course, a VPS hosting is ideal to make the most of this power.